Buckingham Foundation works to initiate and implement positive change in communities tied to Buckingham Companies. We strive to make a difference where our employees work, our residents live and in the communities we build.
Website Training
3/9/2016 - Alan Houser - Squareflair.com
“To have a company like Buckingham ask us, 'What can we do to help?' is music to our ears. During Buckingham’s service day they made over 200 breakfast burritos, filtered over 1000 items of clothing and organized our house top to bottom!”
Mike Elliott Director of Involvement, Outreach Inc.
"At Gleaners, we love working with enthusiastic and excited volunteers like Buckingham! In just a few short hours, Buckingham employees processed enough food to provide over 4,800 meals to hungry Hoosiers."
Christina Basey Gleaners Food Bank
"Buckingham’s commitment to Indy is apparent throughout our city. We are proud to be a recipient of their generous support through volunteers at Indy Urban Acres, and a contribution to making the Downtown Canal Playspace become a reality!"
Jenny Burrough Indy Parks Foundation
"Buckingham Foundation didn’t just support our conference, they became some of our most enthusiastic participants! They helped us inspire attendees and build great connections in the Indy community and beyond."
Jamie Smith National Executive Director Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN)
“As experts in affordable housing, Buckingham Foundation clearly understands the challenges and complexity of working with our community’s most vulnerable: homeless families.”
Bill Bickel Associate Director, Catholic Charities
“We are so very grateful for the support of Buckingham Foundation!”
Jennifer Knapp Beudert Manager, Robinson Community Learning Center