Indiana Philanthropy Alliance

Supporting Employee Giving and Volunteering During COVID

Supporting Employee Giving and Volunteering During COVID

An essential component of corporate giving, especially during a challenging year like 2020, proved to be growing employee engagement in philanthropy, volunteerism, and community involvement. To do this, community-minded employers retooled their approach to find meaningful ways to aid in the crisis while helping their staff safely donate their time, talent, and treasure.

Ashley Parker Named to Mutz Philanthropic Leadership Institute

Ashley Parker Named to Mutz Philanthropic Leadership Institute

Ashley Parker of Buckingham Companies has been selected as a member of the inaugural class of the Mutz Philanthropic Leadership Institute. Launched by Indiana Philanthropy Alliance in 2021, the Mutz Institute provides a leadership training experience to skill-up professionals serving in board and executive roles at foundations, corporations and social impact organizations across Indiana.

Buckingham Foundation Kicks Off 2017 Supporting the Arts

Buckingham Foundation Kicks Off 2017 Supporting the Arts

Buckingham Foundation wrapped up 2016 with a $1M gift to the Irsay Family YMCA at CityWay and then kicked off the new year with a $5K donation to Studio OTB to expand their ceramics program.